So, I've been thinking of telling my story, so here it is..
So, I was born in Russia (immigrated to the U.K when I was 6, could be younger, barely remember) and It was tough. Since my grandfather had to be taken care of. He was a veteran of the Winter War. And, this was in the 2000's, after the Soviet Union fell apart. Russia was broken financially and physically.
So, we decided to go somewhere else. One day, my mum walked into my room, and told me to start packing. It was quite early in the morning, so I was confused. I asked her, "Mum? Where are we going?" Then, she looked happy, and held some plane tickets. "To the U.K!" She yelled. I was still confused. "The U.K? Why?" Then, she told me that my grandpa's condition was worsening, and he had to moved to a better hospital. Fortunately, since he was a soldier, he could get in for free, along with his family. So, my mum decided to take him to the best place with the best healthcare. The U.K.
Unfortunately, a few years later, he passed away, from a heart attack. He was buried with full military honours. Then, my parents kind of fell off taking care of me. And then, my dad passed away in a car crash. My mum had trouble taking care of me. Luckily, I grew up to be the teenager I am today.